Wednesday, April 03, 2013  

Another false dawn?

I feel I should explain my absence from what was once a place I came every day, like a shed or a local pub. The strange thing is I still love writing, maybe it just got boring.

Whatever the real reason, I would find myself staring at the “new post” box and I wouldn't have a clue what to say. I’m not saying this time it will be different, there have been a few false dawns on here over the last couple of years, in fact one of my very good blog friends who died a couple of years ago has posted more in the intervening two years than I have. Sad but true.

 So, in mitigation, I think I fell in love with Facebook and then twitter, but I've decided to come back with my metaphorical tail between my legs to see if we can give it another go, rekindle the long-dead fire. That and a wider potential audience to upset with my bile and vitriol filled rants on religion, politics, moths and anything else that foolishly wanders across my field of vision.

 Let’s give it a crack, what do you say?

| posted by Simon | 6:53 pm | 0 comments
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